Santa Dollars are real United States currency. These special treasury notes have a Santa seal that covers George Washington. People purchase these unique dollars to give as gifts, knowing in doing so, they are helping others, as all proceeds go to charity.
How can Santa Dollars be legal?
Santa Dollars are a trademark of Ltd. First Editions, Inc. The registered trademark assures consumers that Santa Dollars meet the requirements of the U.S. Treasury Department. The Santa Dollar seal is removable leaving the bank note intact.
Can Santa Dollars be spent?
Since Santa Dollars are real treasury notes, they can be spent anywhere, after the Santa seal is removed. However, history has shown that they are not being spent, but collected instead. Santa Dollars, along with their greeting cards, have become holiday collectibles, as predicted in 1990 on Good Morning America.
Who designs the Santa Dollar card?
Over the years, a variety of artists have been featured on the Santa Dollar cards. Anyone interested in being considered may submit their art through our website. All entries are reviewed by our art department. The selected artist receives worldwide recognition as Santa Dollars are sent everywhere. For more information, visit our Charity page.
What is the story behind the success?
Since 1985, Santa Dollars have raised tens of millions of dollars for various charities across the United States. Corporate leaders, as well as small businesses, have worked to raise funds for the needs of their communities. They have joined hands to form a network of hope. The efforts of all these dedicated people have created the “magic” that has fueled the Santa Dollar program. For more information, visit our Partner page.
How can I become involved?
If you are a retailer, click on the Partner page.
If you are a charitable organization, click the Charity page.
Who are the charities that have benefited over the years?
For a listing of charities that have received funds, click on the Charity page.
Who are the retailers that have participated over the years?
For a listing of retailers, click on the Partner page.
How can I register my art work for consideration?
If you are interested in being considered, click on the Artists page.
I am planning a party and would like to use a personal picture. Can you help?
We do not do any other ventures, only those bearing our trademarks.
My company would like to place an order. How do we proceed?
If you would like to join the team of retailers raising funds for the needs of their community, download the Order Form. Print out the Order Form and send it in along with your check or money order.
When do retailers start the promotion?
Santa Dollars are available in October.
Does Marketing Productions help in any way to promote the fundraisers?
Yes. We direct people who visit our web site, to the nearest participating retailer.
Who selects the charity to receive the proceeds?
Each participating retailer selects the charity of their choice.
I am a business that would like to participate but missed the ordering deadline. Is it too late for me to place an order?
We always print extra cards. Contact us at and we will let you know if supplies are available.
Raising million$….one Santa Dollar at a time!